Glenn Ford
Glenn Ford co-starred with Rita Hayworth in five films- The Lady In Question, Gilda, The Loves of Carmen, Affair In Trinidad and finally The Money Trap. Beginning with their second film together, the legendary, Gilda, Hayworth and Ford were regarded as the one of the best romantic screen couples of the 40's and early 50's, along with Veronica Lake and Alan Ladd, Jane Russell and Robert Mitchum, etc. There was amazing chemistry between them off screen, and on the screen it transformed them into a captivating couple. Ford said of Gilda, "There was an electricity on the set and it was translated to the screen." Glenn has admitted in interviews that "I loved her very deeply at the time," but as for Rita, she appears to have regarded him more as a best friend. They were very close. She loved him like a brother. They were great friends from the time they met until Rita's passing in 1987. He served as a pallbearer at her funeral. In her later years, they lived next to each other in Beverly Hills. Ford later called her "the best friend I ever had." He keeps a framed picture of Rita to this day with a fresh rose.