The fan club is run by Caren Roberts-Frenzel. Membership entitles you to six issues of the Rita Hayworth Fan Club newsletter, which is an 8-page, bi-monthly newsletter filled with rare photos and information about Rita, as well as free classified ads. The subsciption costs $20.00 a year in the United States, and $25.00 outside of the U.S. To join, you can email Caren at for a free sample of the newsletter and further information. Or, write to:
The Rita Hayworth Fan Club
c/o Caren Roberts-Frenzel
3943 York Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55410
Here are covers of 2 issues of the newsletter:
This is the Gilda issue. It was a special double issue commemorating Rita's most famous movie.
This one includes an article on Down to Earth, and many rare pictures (as does every issue)!!!